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Join the CBE JU communicators network

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Are you in charge of communication in a BBI or CBE JU-funded project? Do you work for an organisation involved in such a project? Join the CBE JU communicators network to share best practice, boost your communications and collectively raise awareness about the important role of the bio-based sector in the sustainable future of Europe. 

Over 160 CBE JU-funded projects are advancing innovative and circular bio-based industries in Europe, creating jobs and boosting local economies. How to make this important work more visible to policymakers, media and citizens? How to achieve a higher communication impact with the available resources? What communication activities have worked particularly well for your project and organisation, and which ones would you suggest dropping? 

Join the CBE JU communicators network to share your experience and build collaborations to tap into the unexploited potential of communicating on European bio-based innovations. 

Who is the network for? 

  • People and organisations in charge of the communication activities in BBI and CBE JU-funded projects 

  • Communication team members of organisations taking part in BBI and CBE JU-funded projects 

The CBE JU communication team will support the network. 

What will the network do? 

  • Share best practice in communication about the project, bio-based innovations and the European bio-based sector 

  • Share useful communication material 

  • Join forces for campaigns highlighting the contribution of the bio-based sector to the sustainable future of Europe 

The objective of the network is to support each other, facilitate the work and reach higher impact with selected common activities. 

How will it work? 

The network will be an open forum for exchanging ideas and collaborating on topics selected by the network members. It is meant to facilitate the work of communicators and achieve more with the same resources. 

The CBE JU communication team will help with the network’s organisation and provide space for sharing material. 

The network members will meet online at least twice a year or at a frequency decided by all members. Work in smaller groups on selected topics will be encouraged. 

The first meeting is expected to take place in November 2023, to support the CBE JU Stakeholder Forum communication. 

How to apply? 

Fill in this short application form by 6 November 2023 and we’ll get back to you with further details. 


Please contact for further information.