The CBE JU call for project proposals 2022 is closed.
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Evaluation results
The CBE JU Programme Office has concluded the evaluation of this call for project proposals. 21 proposals have been selected to receive a total of nearly €120 million CBE JU funding. Grant agreements with the successful candidates are expected to be signed by the end of May 2023.
Submission details
The CBE JU Programme Office received 125 project proposals by the deadline for the 2022 call. Applicants have requested over €600 million in CBE JU funding, against the indicative call budget of €120 million.
The submitted proposals are distributed per topics as follows:
Innovation Actions
- HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-IA-01 Biogenic carbon capture and use (CCU) for circular bio-based products - topic budget €10 million: 5 proposals submitted requesting €25.9 million in funding.
- HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-IA-02 Cooperative business models for sustainable mobilisation and valorisation of agricultural residues, by-products, and waste in rural areas - topic budget €10 million: 2 proposals submitted requesting €9.9 million in funding.
- HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-IA-03 Cost-effective production routes towards bio-based alternatives to fossil-based chemical building blocks - topic budget €12 million: 5 proposals submitted requesting €28.4 million in funding.
- HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-IA-04 Co-processing of mixed bio-based waste streams - topic budget €12 million: 4 proposals submitted requesting €22.7 million in funding.
Innovation Actions - Flagships
- HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-IAFlag-01 Maximum valorisation of sustainably sourced bio-based feedstock in multi-product, zero-waste, zero-pollution biorefinery - topic budget €14 million: 6 proposals submitted requesting €71 million in funding.
- HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-IAFlag-02 Alternative sources for high added value food and/or feed ingredients - topic budget €14 million: 4 proposals submitted requesting €27.7 million in funding.
Research and Innovation Actions
- HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-R-01 High performance bio-based polymers for market applications with stringent requirements - topic budget €9 million: 16 proposals submitted requesting €72.2 million in funding.
- HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-R-02 Bio-based coatings, barriers, binders, and adhesives - topic budget €9 million: 26 proposals submitted requesting €110.7 million in funding.
- HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-R-03 Circular-by-design bio-based materials to improve the circularity of complex structures - topic budget €9 million: 15 proposals submitted requesting nearly €66 million in funding.
- HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-R-04 Proteins from alternative and unconventional sources - topic budget €9 million: 26 proposals submitted requesting €115.6 million in funding.
- HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-R-05 Sustainable fibres biorefineries feedstock - topic budget €9 million: 9 proposals submitted requesting €39.3 million in funding.
Coordination and Support Actions
- HORIZON-JU-CBE-2022-S-01 Developing and validating monitoring systems of environmental sustainability and circularity: collection of best practices and benchmarks - Topic budget €3 million: 7 proposals submitted requesting €16.5 million in funding.
These are the steps to select the projects funded by this call for proposals:
22 September 2022
After the call deadline, the CBE JU Programme Office checks the admissibility and eligibility of all the proposals submitted and organises the evaluation of the proposals with the help of external experts.
End of February 2023
Evaluations outcome
Evaluation of the project proposals will take place between October and December 2022, and applicants will receive the call results by the end of February 2023 at the latest.
End of May 2023
Grant agreement signature
CBE JU is expected to sign grant agreements with successful applicants by the end of May 2023.
Call details
- Call identifier: HORIZON-JTI-CBEJU-2022
- Call launch: 22 June 2022
- Call deadline: 22 September 2022 17:00 CET
- Call budget: €120 million
CBE JU calls follow the rules and procedures of Horizon Europe, the EU’s research and innovation programme. Find more information about Horizon Europe’s funding opportunities.
Types of action funded by the call
CBE JU is funding three types of actions:
- Research and Innovation Actions (RIAs) establish new knowledge or explore the feasibility of a new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution. These may include basic and applied research, technology development and integration, testing, demonstration, and validation on a small-scale prototype, in a laboratory or simulated environment.
- Innovation Actions (IAs) scale up activities from prototype to product validation and market replication. Flagships, an important and specific type of IAs, in particular deploy a first-of-its-kind innovation on the European market.
- Coordination and Support Actions (CSAs), among other, structure stakeholder communities, support technological visions and outreach, as well as disseminate and exploit research results.

Call documents
These were the documents needed to submit your project proposal. You could find them in the submission system:
More information
Relevant documents: