Today, CBE JU published a €1 million call for project proposals to prepare the establishment of a training network for the re-skilling and upskilling of workers in the construction sector. The network will contribute to the New European Bauhaus initiative and will be part of its Academy, which aims to promote bio-based solutions and improved circularity in construction. The call is open to proposals of coordination and support actions until 4 October 2023 at 17:00 CET.
About the New European Bauhaus Academy
A large part of European greenhouse gas emissions stems from the building sector. To achieve the EU’s ambitious climate goals, the European Green Deal calls on the sector to reduce these emissions by 60% by 2030. Europe must tap into the vast potential of using innovative bio-based solutions in construction, in place of their fossil-based counterparts. Lack of skills and knowledge about these innovative solutions in the construction ecosystem is however one of the major obstacles to this green transition.
The New European Bauhaus Academy addresses the need to upskill and re-skill workers in the construction sector, with a special focus on increasing the quality and quantity of vocational training opportunities, notably programmes on bio-based solutions for the construction sector. Through a network of hubs with existing education and training providers, the Academy will deliver coherent and accessible online and on-site training in Europe and promote the inter-regional exchange of skills and best practice.
About the call for project proposals
This open competitive CBE JU call invites project proposals to support the establishment of the New European Bauhaus Academy network via such activities as the design of its structure and procedures; development of training programmes; establishment of an online collaborative space; mapping of synergies with relevant networks and initiatives; and fostering networking and collaborations, among others.
The call’s funding supports the CBE JU’s Strategic Innovation and Research Agenda strategic priority “1.2.3: Facilitate the development of expertise in bio-based fields by improving higher education and skills development”, and is linked to the CBE JU specific objective “1.2: Increase and integrate the research and innovation capacity of stakeholders across the Union”.
The type of supported projects is that of a coordination and support action (CSA), and the total indicative budget of the call is €1 million.
The call opens for submissions on 6 July and closes on 4 October 2023 at 17:00 CET.
Take a look at the call page for more information.
About the call requirements
The proposal submission requirements are detailed in the call documents.
The CBE JU call’s budget comes from Horizon Europe, the EU’s research and innovation funding programme. It is published on the EU’s Funding & tender opportunities portal.
Applicants must submit their proposal electronically, following the link from the topic page.
Please consult the Horizon Europe online manual for more information on submitting proposals. For general questions related to Horizon Europe procedures and IT issues, please contact the Research Enquiry Service or the IT Helpdesk respectively. For specific questions related to CBE JU, please contact info [at] cbe.europa.eu.
What happens after the proposal submission?
After the call closure on 4 October 2023, CBE JU will organise the evaluation of the submitted proposals with the help of external experts selected from the European Commission’s expert database. Take a look at the evaluation criteria outlined in the CBE JU Annual Work Programme 2023.
The proposals selected for funding will be known in the first quarter of 2024. If the subsequent Grant Agreement Preparation (GAP) is successful, the grant agreements with the selected project will be signed in the second quarter of 2024.
More information
Take a look at the call page for more information and follow the links to the CBE JU Annual Work Programme 2023, as well as FAQ for applicants. Please keep an eye on updates of this FAQ, as its section 6 contains a Q&A related to topic interpretation.
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