kelP side stReam valOrisaTion to dEvelop new biobased valUe chainS
kelP side stReam valOrisaTion to dEvelop new biobased valUe chainS
Brown macroalgae, particularly L. hyperborea, are an untapped renewable resource in Europe that can be used to produce a variety of products, including alginates, cellulose, and other polysaccharides, as well as flavours and nutritional ingredients for human and animal health and welfare.
However, current harvesting approaches are limiting the widespread valorisation of Europe’s kelp resources. Specifically, formaldehyde is used to prevent harvest rot, which occurs when brown kelp is exposed to air, causing chemical and enzymatic reactions. Additionally, the current production is mainly focused on the extraction of alginate, the most valuable fraction, resulting in the utilisation of only 15% of L. hyperborea’s biomass.
PROTEUS aims to maximise the value of L. hyperborea by optimising formaldehyde-free harvesting and residual extraction methods. With this, the project will enable full use of the L. hyperborea resource at a large scale and help promoting the growth of the EU’s blue economy.
PROTEUS aims to enable sustainable extraction and valorisation of L. hyperborea compounds by:
By maximising the full use of L. hyperborea in Europe, PROTEUS aims to accomplish the following: