Novel packaging films and textiles with tailored end of life and performance based on bio-based copolymers and coatings
Novel packaging films and textiles with tailored end of life and performance based on bio-based copolymers and coatings
A significant proportion of used plastics – in some countries more than two-thirds – is either incinerated or sent to landfill; with only a small proportion recycled. If the EU is to realise its ambitions of delivering a genuinely circular economy, this needs to change.
BIOnTop will develop a range of complementary bio-plastics and coatings, where possible derived from readily-available agro-food by-products, with improved biodegradability properties. It will validate these bioplastics, coatings and biocomposites for use in food and personal care packaging and determine their potential environmental impact and economic feasibility compared with existing products.
In addition, it will recommend relevant applications for these new bio-based products taking into account the growing consumer and end user demand for more sustainable packaging. It will approach this by reaching out to, consulting with and encouraging an exchange of knowledge with, stakeholders throughout the bio-based value chain.
With only around 30 percent of plastics currently being recycled, it is clear, if the EU wants to meet its circular economy ambitions, that this level need to increase significantly. The BIOnTOP project seeks to improve this by helping deliver novel bio-based biodegradable packaging that continues to protect products while using more than 85 percent renewable resources, thus conserving natural resources.
Specifically, BIOnTop aims to:
BIOnTop aims to deliver the following impacts. It will: